
Hublo Applications

Listed below are lots of examples and actual clients that use Hublo to store and distribute their social content and marketing to their dealers, distributors, influencers, affiliates and partners.

These are not the definitive list just simply where we have already created accounts or want to demonstrate how an account could be used by a particular industry or sector.

Behind each of the buttons below you'll find a detailed brief along with LOG IN details for either actual or DEMO Hublo accounts.

Hublo Application

Types of Account

A user is an individual who has downloaded the Hublo App and is registered on your account.

We have 2 types of account - generic and branded and 2 levels of service – unmanaged and managed ..

Generic Accounts

This is where you have no specific branding for your Organisation, typically if you are a small business and you are using the App with a very small group of advocates this is for you, maybe youre Just using Hublo to store your social media and marketing literature to share a brochure or to send text messages with promotions attached then this is the account for you.

Branded Accounts

If you have an Organisation who has a brand identity then we can set the App for you with your colours and logos along with other customization options. This is a must for any Organisation looking to preserve its brand identity.

Managed OR Unmanaged?

To make the most of Hublo you may want some help to create and manage your Account, we have dedicated experts who can do everything from training to media management, ensuring you get the most out of your advocates. A managed account gives you access to an expert, if you choose an unmanged account you will still have access to online tutorials and videos in the help and how to sections of the website.

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